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Sandra Ziegler


PhD. in Social Sciences, FLACSO Argentina

Position in the Program




She is a Researcher in the Education Field of ​​FLACSO Argentina. In the framework of ECyS, she is the Academic Coordinator of the Master’s degree in Social Sciences specialized in Education. She coordinates the NEEDS, Nucleus of Studies on Socio-educational Elites and Inequalities, and has been a member of the NEPEC-Grupo Viernes since 2000; She is part of the editorial team of the magazine Propuesta Educativa.

Currently she works as Regular Adjunct Professor of the subjects Educational Problems and General Didactics in the Career of Teaching Staff of Middle and Higher Education (CCPEMS), Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires.

She holds a Master's in Social Sciences, specializing in Education (FLACSO Argentina) and obtained a Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires.

She is a consultant for UNICEF Argentina, a member of the Reading Committee of the magazine “Recherche et Formation”, Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique (France) and a member of the Academic Committee of the Doctorate in Social Sciences, Flacso Argentina. She has developed cooperation projects with the State University of Campinas, the Federal University of Mina Gerais (Brazil) and SciencesPo (France).

Member of the Academic Committee of the Network of Researchers in Secondary Education (RIES) Flacso Argentina

Lines of research:

secondary school - educational policies - teachers - curriculum - school change - formation of elites - private education - school choice - qualitative methodology - sociology of education - educational inequalities


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