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Investigación y proyectos

Las investigaciones realizadas por nuestras investigadoras/es realizaron aportes de relevancia para comprender la situación y las particularidades del sistema educativo en la Argentina. 

The team

With diverse disciplinary backgrounds, the ECyS Program brings together a team of researchers in education who participate in training, research and consulting activities. All the researchers have solid experience in the professional field and in the production of knowledge, develop specific lines of work and contribute to the training of new specialists and researchers.

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Dra. en Ciencias Sociales | Investigadora |  Coordinadora Académica del Diploma Superior y Especialización en Lectura, escritura y educación

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Mag. en Ciencias Sociales | Investigadora |  Profesora del Diploma Superior y Especialización Currículum y Prácticas Escolares en Contexto

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Esp. en Indicadores Sociales y Demográficos | Investigadora | Coord. académica del Seminario de Posgrado Gobierno y Planeamiento de la Educación

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Dr. en Antropología Social | Investigador | Coord. Programa ECyS | Dir. acad. Diploma Sup. en Pol. e Instituciones Educativas con Enfoque de Género

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Dra. en Ciencias Sociales | Investigadora | Profesora del Diploma Superior y Especialización en Currículum y Prácticas Escolares en Contexto

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Mag. en Ciencias Sociales | Investigadora |  Profesora de la maestría en Ciencia Sociales con orientación en Educación

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Dra. en Ciencias Sociales | Investigadora | Coord. académica del Diploma Superior y Especialización en Currículum y Prácticas Escolares en Contexto

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Dra. en Ciencias Sociales | Investigadora | Directora académica del Diploma Superior y Especialización en Currículum y Prácticas Escolares en Contexto

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Mag. en Ciencias Sociales | Investigador | Director Académico del Seminario Gobierno y Planeamiento  de la Eduación

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Dra. en Ciencias Sociales | Investigadora |  Profesora de la maestría en Ciencia Sociales con orientación en Educación 

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Dra. en Ciencias Sociales | Investigadora | Coord. académica de la Maestría en Ciencias Sociales con orientación en Educación

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Dra. en Ciencias Sociales | Investigadora | Profesora de la maestría en Ciencia Sociales con orientación en Educación


Carolina Gamba

Luciana Morini

Mora Medici

Serena Santos


Andrea Brito

Gabriela Carnevale

Silvia Finocchio

Sebastián Fuentes

Nancy Montes

Mariana Nobile

Anny Ocoró Loango

Daniel Pinkasz

Nancy Romero

Guillermina Tiramonti

Verónica Tobeña

Sandra Ziegler


technical assistants

Daniel Altamiranda

Jimena Couriel

Lucila Palacios

Bárbara Roitman


The ECyS Program has a long history of collaboration with other public and private institutions, both nationally and internationally, through research, training and consulting projects.


In recent years we have worked with UNICEF Argentina in pursuit to understand the problem of secondary education in Argentina.


We have carried out specific consulting projects for the National Ministry of Education , within the framework of agreements with the National Directorate for Educational Policy Planning and the National Institute for Teacher Training . We develop training seminars on planning and governance for technicians from various provincial Ministries of Education, and we work on conducting studies on Academic Regime and Teacher Designations at the Secondary Level.


We have developed institutional ties with foreign universities, within the framework of agreements led by the Master of Social Sciences specialized in Education: UNICAMP and UFMG , which are among the most prestigious universities in the educational field in Brazil. We carry out exchange activities and publish the results of our research in collaboration with specialists from SciencesPo (France) and the Autonomous University of Madrid . We are part of the group of universities invited by Jesuitas Educación (Barcelona) to evaluate their educational innovation process.


We lead reference spaces and networks in Argentina, cooperating with renowned teams of specialists from other Universities and Research Centers in the country, as does the RIES Nucleus . We developed an inter university network for the study of educational privatization with the Universities of São Paulo, Federal University of Mina Gerais (Brazil) and the National University of Córdoba .


We participate in various instances of dialogue and public discussion on education in Argentina, together with Civil Society Organizations, Universities and other actors in the education field.


We integrate and in many cases lead national and international cooperation spaces and networks: we coordinate working groups in associations such as the International Sociological Association (ISA), in Conventions such as the Mercosur Anthropology Meeting (RAM) or in the Educational Research Colloquia that the nascent Argentine Society for Educational Research organizes, etc.

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